Pentahotel Leuven
Dit bevalt ons
- Gastronomish hoogstandjePenta-restaurant with its penta-burgers, penta-cocktails, penta-beers… Creativity has never penta-gone
- Uiterste vriendelijkheidBilliards, consoles, leather sofas, all open 24 hours a day: comfort never ends
- Comfortabele kamerRooms as intimate as they are elegant to stay classy, even deep in the bed
Alfons Smetsplein 7, Leuven, Belgium
Dit bevalt ons
- Gastronomish hoogstandjePenta-restaurant with its penta-burgers, penta-cocktails, penta-beers… Creativity has never penta-gone
- Uiterste vriendelijkheidBilliards, consoles, leather sofas, all open 24 hours a day: comfort never ends
- Comfortabele kamerRooms as intimate as they are elegant to stay classy, even deep in the bed